Call me shallow, but I am looking forward to seeing this new Australian documentary about Sydney's "notorious surf tribe" the Bra Boys, even though I suspect it's going to be a badly-directed vanity project...
Juding from this poster, and the cover-art for Teenager's debut album Thirteen, blokes showing a hint of pubes are the new black. I'm not complaining!
vanity project, for sure, but no less interesting. i hope to see it soon, despite being strangely unmoved by the glimpse of pubic hair in the poster.
See now I thought the hint of pubic exposure was just a bit of dirt on the camera lens.
Mmmmmmm they look really hot. I wouldnt mind crashing in on their wave and then get draged to the shore to be man handled!
Not too disappointed with this new black either, I have to admit. Particularly when a bloke wearing it walks past you in the street...
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